Tuesday, January 18, 2022

January 17, 2022 

Yodel lay hee whooooo! 

EVERYONE!!! How is it going! I miss you guys more then you can imagine! This week has been a real testimony builder! This week I have been focusing a little bit more on my studies and what I am learning! A mission is a place where an individual can grow so much without even noticing. This past week, I have been able to reflect on the things that I have learned. In this past 6 months I have learning life long lessons that I know I would not be able to learn anywhere else. I think the biggest lesson that I have learned is how to become more comfortable in hard times. I have know that everyone goes through hard times for a purpose! You see, every single time you mess up in life or something bad happens, it almost always builds you stronger and teaches you.  But most importantly, it hopefully brings you closer to your Savior. I have learned that you can use the atonement not only for repentance but also to get yourself out of times of sadness or dispair. When times get hard, you will always have someone cheering you on and pushing you to be your best. I have learned that the Atonement of Jesus Christ is so wide spread to every single person that has ever lived.  But yet, it is so personal to every single person. I believe that the Savior would have performed the Atonement even if you or I were the only people on the earth. That is the love of Christ.  He knows who we are perfectly. He has been through everything we have been through and even more. Jesus Christ went to the depth of all sins and then went even lower, just so he could  know how we feel when we go through our trials and so he could lift us up out of those difficult times. He loves us! 
I want you guys to know that I love you and if you need anything from me reach out because I am here to help:) 
Anyway, this week was pretty good because we were able to teach a lot of lessons. When I came into this area we were only teaching two people and one of them was a member. We are now teaching upwards of 12 people.
God is great when you show your willingness to serve. We found a new person over Facebook. That almost never happens. The best thing that came from this week is that I was able to strengthen my testimony through helping other people. When you sign up for a mission, you sign up to become a different person. A person who is devoted to helping other people the best way possible. At first I was not that person but like I said up there ☝, the mission changes you into a better and harder working person and I am so grateful for that:)
1. It snowed. What the heck! Church was cancelled yesterday! haha
2. I got a haircut.
3. This is what it looks like now.
4. Some dino nuggets.