Monday, September 5, 2022

 August 29, 2022

Hey y'all

This week was like a lot of the weeks that I have already had on the mission. Sometimes I feel like I'm living the same day over and over again.  But, I am definitely willing to go through that for this amazing work. My mission president, President Brown, always will say, "this is the most amazing work in the world" and I truly know that to be true based off the experiences that I have had. I have seen the Lords hand in my life. Maybe not as directly as the brother of Jared, but I have seen him guide me in difficult times and I have seen him point me in a direction  of others so that the gospel can help them.
This week was transfer week. I was able to get a new companion and fortunately for me, I love him. His name is Elder Taluapapa, I feel like he and I have a connection, maybe the best connection out of all the other companions that I have had. He loves football, working out, and all sorts of things that I love as well. I think that the Lord knows our needs because we needed each other haha. 
Anyway, this past week we found two new people. Their names are Tammy and Johnny. They referred themselves for a Bible study. When we went over there, we were thinking "oh these people probably just want to bible bash with us!" But when we arrived, they were so warm and welcoming. We were able to read a few chapters in the book of Job, and to my astonishment they invited us back without us even asking to come back. It is amazing to see the Lord work in others around you. As I have been serving my mission, I have learned that my favorite aspect of missionary work and the gospel is being able to watch someone feel the love that Christ has for them by feeling the spirit. It brings me a different kind of happiness than I have ever experienced. I am so grateful for this opportunity to be here and declare the truth unto my brothers and sisters:)
1. Cool sunset 
2. Buzz city
3. Melooooo 
4. Some Baptist sign
5. Virginia because our area touches it
6. Some steam thing
7. Kobe day 8/24 💛💜

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