Wednesday, November 9, 2022

 November 7, 2022

2nd to last week:(

Hey you guys!

Wow! First off, I just want to say sorry for being so bad at doing emails lately. I have been trying to work my tail off here in Kernersville. So far, Kernersville has been a really good area.  I have learned a lot about who I am and how God can work through us to help others. While I have been serving here, I have noticed that this area hasn't necessarily been the most successful area based off of finding new people, getting baptisms, and also getting people to sacrament meeting. Although I absolutely love those things, I have learned that there are other things that are more important. For instance, we have built a lot of relationships that I know will last into the eternities. We have been blessed to meet so many nice and wonderful members that are doing their best to follow Christ's teachings. I have grown to love that aspect of missionary work. Although it is very important to me to baptize, find, and teach, It also is just as important to me to build a loving relationships. I think that is where the joy of missionary work comes into play.
This week was a good one. We were able to have some great lessons and find some new friends. We were able yo do service for a lady named Carol. She is really cool. The service consisted of raking leaves and mowing her yard to pick up the leaves. It was a beautiful sight to see how grateful she was. 
After that, we had a conversation about missionary work and what we exactly do as missionaries. She became very intrigued about the things we talked about, so much that she invited us back to do some more service and talk more about the gospel. I know she is a God fearing lady who wants to do good and that alone brings me so much joy. 
Well it's almost getting to be the time where I will be coming home. I just want you to know that this mission experience has changed my life forever. It has allowed me to grow exponentially. It has helped me become a better version of myself. But most of all, it has put a deeper love in my heart for the Savior and Heavenly Father's children. If there is one thing I want you to know about me, it is that I desire to do good. Now we all know that I am not perfect nor even close to it. But, I can tell you that I am consistently trying to better myself to become more like Christ and I invite you all (y"all) to do the same. I promise you with every fiber in my body that as you consistently put in the effort to do good, Christ will do the rest and it will bring you so much joy.
I love you all and I want you to know that I am here for you and so is the Savior ❤️
Elder Adams out✌️ till next week

P.S.  My flight comes in at 4:44 on Friday, November 18!  Speaking in church on November 28 at 10:30.  Please come if you can!

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