Monday, November 16, 2020

Week #12

November 10, 2020 

Hello Hello

This week was way crazy. To start the week off, we had elections on Tuesday.  So naturally everything was crazy, but we found a couple people in the phone book so that was good. (I hate calling in the phone book)  We also went out street contacting and found this guy named Ravon. He is a really cool dude with a huge smile on his face all the time.

Wednesday, we had exchanges with the district leader so I was like "oh crap, this is not going to be fun at all!" But it was actually really fun! I learned that our district leader is a really cool kid and we got along pretty well. We did a lot of phone book calling and he showed us how to do it more effectively. Then the day got over and we played a game called "Cover Your Assets."  I won!

Thursday was just the average day. Not a lot of things went on but it was still good. It was good to have a day that wasn't so hectic.

Friday was really good. We were able to find even more people. We found them in the phone book because of the advice that our district leader gave us. So we were pretty happy about that!

Saturday was the best day of the week. On Saturday we did a lot of street contacting. We found this guy named Marc. He was a pretty interesting guy haha. He had a lot of common beliefs as us. He had a lot of thoughts that just didn't make sense though. He said that he got high the night before so we were like oh geez. He also said that the government was tracking him, which I don't think that was the truth, haha. Anyways, it was his birthday and he was outside at the park all alone which was really sad. So we gave him some company and I think he really liked that. We got his number and we will be calling him sometime soon.

Sunday is always my favorite day out of the week because I get to focus more on our Savior and his love for us. What great blessing. He knows everything that we are going through, good or bad. He knows exactly how to help each one of us. In Alma 7:11-12, it talks about how He atoned for our sins and everything hard that we have had to go through. He did this so that he might be able to help us and know exactly how to help us.

Love, Elder Adams


1. My potential profile pic

2. Us and Marc 

3. I guess someone videoed us doing martial art kicks so now we are famous 😂

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