Monday, November 2, 2020

 Week #11

November 2, 2020

Hey everyone! 

This week has been like a roller coaster ride, hahaha! It has been a good though!! On Tuesday we did service, so that kind of set the tone for the week. 

Last Thursday, we had a zone conference where all of missionaries was introduced to a new way of finding people on Facebook! I have enjoyed getting on Facebook and being able to do things a little different because I have really  been struggling with doing the exact same thing everyday.

I have been learning a lot of stuff lately! My studies have  been focused on Christ and the people that we are trying to teach! This has been awesome for me because Christ is the biggest example for anyone! While studying about him, I have been able to focus more on trying to be more like him! While studying more about him, I have realized how much He loves us! Christ loved us so much that he atoned for all of our sins so that we are able to repent and become completely clean again! Without Christ in our life, we would never ever be able to be in the presence of God! Now because of his atonement, we can become clean again to be in the presence of God! I read a quote by Dallin H. Oaks that said "The atonement is not a backup plan. It is the main plan because God knows we are going to fall." This has helped me! I know it can help you too! If you are struggling now or later in life with things that you want to change or repent of, I challenge you to do just that! Because I KNOW it will allow you to become happy again! I mean truly happy! I read a quote from President Nelson that said "The prize is worth the price!" What a beautiful message! I promise you that by doing this you will bring yourself blessings in the future! 

Peace out! 

-Elder Adams


1. Picture of Christ 

2. I got a bloody nose😂

3. Me being stupid 

4. Us being stupid😂

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