Tuesday, October 27, 2020

 Week #10

October 25, 2020

Hey hey hey!! Alright I'll get straight into it! This week has been one the best weeks of my life! Why you might ask?  Because I have become closer to my Heavenly Father and his son Jesus Christ! I have been able to see my own progression and potential! 

While studying this week, I studied a lot in Ether 3! Ether 3 is all about faith and progression!  The brother of Jared sees the Lord's hand (his literal hand) and is shocked and scared so much that fell from fear! 

This week I was able to see the Lord's hand in my life! (Not his literal hand haha) but as I was saying before, I was able to see his love for me! I was able to see this through my own faith and the Holy Ghost! I was able to feel comforted in times of need! This mission thing has been one of the hardest things I have ever done in my entire life, but it has been so rewarding and good for me! It has allowed me to strengthen my own testimony, to where no one will be able to break it! It has allowed me to become closer to my Heavenly Father and develop a better relationship with Him and because of this, I am so grateful! 

I also studied out of Alma 39-42! These scriptures are all about restoration and repentance! The word restoration means to bring back to its proper frame! Ladies and gentlemen, if you repent of your sins, by the power of Christ's atonement, you will be able to change back to your normal self! Your best self! And after that, begin to share the gospel and bring others unto repentance, that we may all be together in the celestial kingdom! I love all y'all! Keep working hard in whatever you are doing!

Our new comp and us

Carolina Panther's Stadium

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