Tuesday, October 20, 2020

Week #9

 October 19, 2020

Hey everyone I have already been a missionary for 2 months! How crazy is that? 

This past week we have been doing a lot of service! It has been a huge blessing in my life because it has allowed me to learn how to love the people of North Carolina! It has also helped me realize how much I love service and helping other people! In these last couple of weeks, my testimony/faith in our Savior Jesus Christ has grown immensely! I am so grateful for the opportunity that I have to serve and become closer to our Savior! Becoming closer to Jesus Christ has allowed me to see blessings in my life! It has allowed me to see miracles in every single day! Whether the day is a good day or a hard day, I have seen miracles in every single day! Being out here has helped me to grow spiritually! It has been such a big blessing! Also, with service, it allows me to meet new people and that has been exciting! As a lot of you know, before my mission and growing up I didn't really like socializing with people that I didn't know! While doing service out here, I have been able to socialize more and learn to like talking to random people! 

I have been studying the book of Ether! The book of Ether is all about faith! Faith is something that is very important in any religion! As I have studied this scripture I have also been able to kind of talk about it with my dad! While my dad and I were talking about Ether, the topic of Abraham and Isaac came up! Both of these people had amazing faith! But that's not really what my dad and I talked about! We talked about why God gave Abraham this task! At first, when my dad asked me this  question, I was like "so he could be tested." Well yes and no! One of the talks that I really loved in General Conference was Elder Bednar's talk! In Elder Bednar's talk, it talks about the importance of tests in our lives! It later goes on to talk about how tests allow us to reflect on what we have learned! About the topic that my dad and I were talking about... yes Abraham and Isaac were tested but in a different perspective, they were tested so they could see there own faith!  

1. Elder Holyoak being a weirdo

2. Beautiful sunset

3. Me in front of a water fountain 

4. Me and my little friend 

5. Me and my medium sized friend 

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