Monday, October 12, 2020

 Week #8

October 12, 2020

What's up everyone!?

This week has been a great week!  This week we had the opportunity to do a lot of service! This has helped me grow as a person so much! On Thursday, we did service again at Pilgrims Inn.  Pilgrims Inn is a shelter, it is a really cool place because they help a lot of people in need! We helped them clean up a play ground by picking up sticks and leaves that were everywhere. I am happy that we have started to have more opportunities to do service, I've realized that I am really happy when I'm helping someone. We had another opportunity to do service  on Saturday.  We were able to go to a part-member's home and clean up the yard a little. This house was trashed but the people were so nice! Kind people come from all walks of or poor.   I am thankful for my parents for always working hard to help us have fun.  They were always there to support us and they have benefited me immensely! Without them in my life, I probably would not be on a mission right now! We always went to church, they worked hard to fulfill their callings, and they made sure that we never went without. 

Recently I have been studying in D&C 45,  this chapter has helped me a lot because it talks about how important serving the Lord is! For the first couple weeks of my mission, I was very homesick! I started readding the D&C when I was feeling homesick. It helped me become not as homesick.  It also helped me understand how important the scriptures are, how important the Gospel is and the love that Jesus Chris has for each one of us.  I have felt the spirit and I have received answers.

 Pictures below...

1. Us street contacting

2. My dope picture i drew

3. Catching a frog:)

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