Monday, October 12, 2020

Week #7

October 5, 2020

Hey everyone! This week has been amazing! There is not a lot to talk about this week but it was pretty good! This week we were given the opportunity to do some service. The place that we did service for was called Pilgrims Inn. Pilgrims Inn is a shelter for people that can't live on there own! While serving out here in the North Carolina Charlotte mission, I have learned that there are a lot of people in full survival mode and that makes me sad when I think about it.  Being a missionary, you just want to help as many people as you can, stay busy and serve!  I also believe that service is the fastest way to start a lesson with an interested investigator hahaha! Plus, why not do as much service as you can because it will ultimately bring you more joy and blessings in your life. I know this for a fact! 

In these last couple weeks, I have hurt my knee some how.  I have wondered why my knee is bothering me and I a little doubt has come into my mind. These doubts have been super frustrating because they are taking away from my missionary purpose. I do know that whatever happens with my knee, I will be okay. An elder told me last week that whatever happens with my knee, it willl happen for a reason. 

I would like to share my testimony on the love of Heavenly Father and his son Jesus Christ! Jesus Christ was sent to the earth to teach his gospel and more importantly to atone for our sins, pains, and afflictions. If anyone is ever searching for love in their life, look to your Heavenly Father and his son Jesus Christ  and I promise you that you will feel loved! I challenge y'all to read Alma 7: 11 and 12. When we search with real intent and with faith, the Lord with bless us and we will be impacted with the spirit! I leave my testimony with you in the name of our Savior Jesus Christ, amen!


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