Tuesday, September 29, 2020

 Week #6

September 28, 2020

I know that I keep saying "wow its crazy how fast this week has gone by" but I am gonna say it again! "Wow its crazy that I have already been out for 3 weeks!" A part of me feels like I just got out here yesterday and the other part of me feels like I have already been our here for a year... hahaha! This week has been a great one! This week I have gotten even closer to my companion! We are literally like the same person so its really easy to get along with him! This week I have also gotten closer to my district and they are totally awesome! Throughout this week we have played a lot of pickle ball, which has been really fun! Pickle ball, like all sports, requires effort! If you are playing pickle ball with no effort, you will lose! This applies to the gospel as well, because our Heavenly Father loves effort! I have learned that a mission is not about coming out here and seeing how many people you can baptize.  Instead, it is about inviting others to come unto Christ by helping them receive the restored gospel through 1- faith in Christ 2- repentance 3- baptism 4- receiving the gift of the Holy Ghost and 5- enduring to the end! If you are putting forth effort in doing missionary work, the Lord will bless you in ways that you wouldn't even have imagined! I know this to be true because I can see it in my own life right now!

1 comment:

  1. soooo uhhh crazy game huh? i miss you bro. i’m glad to see you serving and being happy. love you
