Monday, September 21, 2020

                             Week #5                                

September 21, 2020

Yooooo!! Its already been 2 weeks?? What! Time is flying by so fast, especially when you are having fun! This week has been a whole better then last week! last week, was literally terrible because I was homesick the whole week! But, as I said, this week has been so much better! We have been able to teach a lot of people! We started teaching this lady named Bobbie! Bobbie is the nicest lady in the whole world! She is about 70 years old! But guess what, We committed her to a baptism this Saturday!!!! We are definitely so excited for her and we know that having the gospel in her life, will bless her immensely! We know this because of our own personal experiences! I know that the church is true! Growing up, I didn't really have the greatest testimony! I believed that these things were true but I didn't know for sure if they were true! The reason I ultimately chose to go on a mission was because of my sister, Sydnie! Sydnie was an awesome person before her mission, but seeing her after her mission, was like watching a whole new person! I remember seeing how much her testimony grew! I also remember thinking "holy crap, I want to have this in my own life!" That is when I 100% decided that I was going to serve a mission too! I am so happy and grateful that I made this decision to serve because the North Carolina, Charlotte mission has already impacted my life for the better! I know that having the gospel in your life will impact you so much and I promise that you will see so many blessings if you strive to keep the commandments and the sabbath day holy! Anyway, I love y'all! Thank you for supporting me in this decision!!:)


It was so good to talk with Sam today.  He seems to be doing  good.  He seems happy, positive, and definitely getting into the groove.

Happy Day, I love his smile!

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