Thursday, July 15, 2021

 July 14, 2021

Sam left the Salt Lake Airport this morning at 10:00 to go back to serve the people of North Carolina.  

Sam was set apart as a missionary the night before, July 13, 2021 at 9:00 by President Leishman.  We love President Leishman and we were so happy that he was the one who was available to set Sam apart.

Sam was given a beautiful blessing, promising him many things such as eyes to see and a heart to feel.  He was told to go boldly and confidently, where angels would surround him and strengthen him.  He was told that he would love the people of North Carolina and would see them as our Savior sees them.

So Sam...

Study, Pray, Serve, and Love!

Enjoy the ride.  Find joy in every day!

Make every moment count!

Once again, a big chunk of my heart is back in North Carolina.

Sam arrived in North Carolina around 4:00, where he met his new President, 

President Brown.

This is the text we received from President Brown later that evening:
"Had an enjoyable evening with Elder Adams.  He's excited to be back in the mission field.  I asked him about the origin of his testimony and was amazed at the depth of his conversation.  He sure loves you all (Parents and three sisters).  Buckle in and prepare for the miracles because Elder Adams is ready to be a consecrated missionary.  Thanks for trusting us with your son.
All my love, Prs Brown."

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