Monday, July 19, 2021

July 19, 2021

Wow...and just like that I am back where I was 7 months ago.  It's crazy how time flies when you are having fun.  I mean the time spent at home felt like I was only there for a month or two.  Haha.  In this one week I've been back out here in North Carolina, it feels like I haven't skipped a beat.  It feels like I have been here serving the entire time and that has been a huge blessing.

Many of you may know that the first time I came out here, I experienced a few things...I experienced mild depression, anxiety, and extreme homesickness.  It was very hard for me to be away from the people that I love and the place where I grew up!  The best thing about being here the second time is that I don't think I have experienced one of those things yet.  This has been a huge blessing in my life.  I am serving in Shelby, North Carolina and I love the area so far and the ward especially.  The people here have definitely helped me feel comfortable living here!  Oh and guess what?  I have the exact same companion as before!  He is such an awesome dude and there is never a dull moment between us.  Haha.  One thing that I really admire about my companion is that he is always having us work!  Some of you may say, "Well that sounds awful!"  But it is actually exactly what I need right now because if we weren't always busy, you know what I would be doing?...Thinking about home and how much I miss it.  

I have been studying in Moses chapters 1-7 this week.  In this story, it is about how Heavenly Father is talking to Moses when he was desiring the truth of the gospel and what is real and what is not.  Moses was second in line to become Pharaoh.  Moses begins to talk to God and says that he sees God with his eyes!  He then begins to say that he did not see God with his physical eyes but with his spiritual eyes.  (HE SEES THE PLAN OF SALVATION!)  Just imagine how cool that would have been to see the creation and everything that comes after that!  With only being here a week now, I have seen the plan of salvation.  Now probably not as drastically as Moses, but I know that without a doubt in my mind that the plan of salvation is true.  This has become known to me.  As I am teaching families and individuals about this, seeing their eyes light up with wonder is one of the most beautiful things I have ever experienced!  The gospel of Jesus Christ is true!  I know it!  I also know that it plays a huge roll in my life and I know it can in yours.  If you are feeling lonely, depressed, anxious, or anything like that, I challenge you to look to your Savior Jesus Christ and he will help you feel comforted!  This I know because he has helped me! 

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