Monday, July 26, 2021

 July 26, 2021

Week 2 in the books!

Hey ya'll!  I don't actually like to say ya'll, but it is kind of growing on me!  This week has been surprisingly rewarding!  Don't get me wrong, it has definitely been a challenge, but I'm grateful for that.

This week I have noticed that I am a lot more grateful for challenges in our lives. Challenges are what shape us into the people we are now and that is something that is so precious and beautiful.  This week, I have also realized that God is with us no matter where we are.  You know why?  Because of his great love for everyone on this planet!  In the first discussion that missionaries teach, the very first principle  is that God is our loving Heavenly Father.  After realizing that God is always with us, I read some scriptures.  One in particular is D&C 84:88 and it says, "And whoso receiveth you, there I will be also, for I will go before your face.  I will be on your right hand and on your left, and my spirit shall be in your hearts, and mine angels round about you, to bear you up."  So putting this into missionary terms, as we are teaching the word of God unto the lost sheep, God will be with us and he will testify the truth of our message unto them!

I would like to invite you guys to share the gospel with someone that is lost.  I know that as you do this, you will have the power of God with you!

Love, Elder Sam Adams

Pictures...1. Hannah was baptized 2. Water 3. Water 4. Cute lil selfie of myself :)

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