Monday, August 2, 2021

 August 2, 2021

Howdy Hoo!

How is everyone?? It feels like yesterday I was in Syracuse, Utah just hanging out! Time flies when you are working hard! This week we have had a bunch of lessons which has been a great blessing for me because it has brought me even closer to Christ! But the best thing about these lessons is when I see people light up with the spirit inside them. It seriously is one of the coolest things I have ever experienced! Being able to experience this has also been a huge blessing because it shows that our hard work is paying off! 

This week we taught this lady named Sandra the message of the restoration. A little background about Sandra is that she used to be a huge alcoholic! So bad that it almost took her life! In fact, my first conversation with her was like this "I haven't drank in 2 months, but I am still smoking weed. I used to smoke like 2 ounces a day but now I only do it like twice a day!" hahaha.  The people out here in the south are funny😂 but something cool about her is that she was so willing to keep the commitments that we are working on for her! I can definitely see the light of Christ in her! 

Anyway, I hope that everyone is doing good and that everyone is okay! I love you guys and can't wait to see ya again!

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