Tuesday, August 10, 2021

 August 10, 2021

Wow it's already been a month since I left my little town in Utah!

This week has been fantastic with only a few tough days! I know that we are meant to go through hard/tough times, it is how we grow and become better and stronger! This is something that I have learned since being out here and it has allowed me to really get the full experience of a mission (even though I've only been back out a month ahaha) I feel like I have learned so much more this second time being around in north Carolina! That alone is something that gives me so much hope and motivation. 

This week we have been so busy which, is something that I love because I know that if we were not busy then I would be miserable out here haha! My trainer, Elder Holyoak, has been a true angel and blessing in the last few weeks, he has taught me that missions are hard but they are also worth it! As I was studying and preparing for a lesson this week I read a talk given by Dallin H Oaks. This talk is called "Cleansed by Repentance." In the talk it talks about things like "we are only cleansed through the atonement of Jesus Christ" or "we have to come unto Christ and repent so that we can live with him again." My most favorite line from this talk is Dallin H Oaks quoting our prophet Russell M Nelson, "the price is worth the prize."  We all know repenting is something that is really hard and difficult. But, if we repent we will receive the prize! I testify this in the name of Jesus Christ our Redeemer and friend, amen.

Brother Campbell (one of the funniest people I've met)

I caught a fish

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