Thursday, December 30, 2021

 December 27, 2021

Last transfer for the dream team!

Hey guys Elder Adams here. How's it going? Hopefully good!

This week, Elder Frogley and I were informed that we would probably be transferred after this transfer so that was some sad news. Elder Frogley is such a good person and a great missionary and I am glad that I have had this opportunity to be his companion! This week was a slow one, probably because of Christmas. On Christmas Eve, we had a mission wide conference. I was able to hear President Brown sing. Let me tell you, that man has some vocals ahaha. I was surprised. This week we taught a few lessons and those were super cool because I saw their eyes light up after I taught them about the gospel. Whether that was teaching them about the plan of salvation or if it was about the restoration. What a wonderful experience I have had out here in North Carolina. Many of you know that I came home for about 8 months for a knee surgery but in those 8 months, I had the hardest time deciding if I wanted to come back out or not. Those 8 months were probably the hardest 8 months of my life so far because of all the pressure I was feeling about going back out. But looking back on it now, I can see why I went through that. I was so close to not coming back out and that kind of scares me because now I have seen how great the experiences have been out here. Guys I wouldn't trade this for anything, not even a pair of shoes ahaha. I think that is the biggest lesson that I have learned out here. I've learned about the importance of a mission and how it can change someone. This knowledge that I am gaining of the gospel is something that is so powerful. It is something that will help me in the future whether is be with my future wife, family, or career. What a wonderful opportunity that I have and every other missionary is to learn more about Jesus Christ and his gospel and how it works, especially how the Spirit works. So cool!
This week for pday, we went golfing which was a blast and then we went on a hike! It was super fun to get out and see nature but at the same time I hate hiking. I used to say that hiking is a lousy way to work out ahaha! But this hike was definitely worth it. We were able to see an out look of the whole city and even up to Boone. I'll send some pictures. 

1. Picture of the look out.
2. Waiting for someone to do the titanic picture with me.
3. Mission picture 
4. Stopped because we saw a sign.


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