Monday, December 20, 2021

 December 12, 2021

Hey you what's up!

Elder Frogley and I just got the news that we are staying here in Lenoir for another transfer! That was the best news for me.  This past week was a different one starting on Tuesday, we had a lot of weird things happen to us.  

Story one:  On Tuesday, we were coming home from a dinner appointment and Elder Frogley said "look out, there is a deer on the side of the road" and right as soon as he said that, a deer ran out into the road and smacked into our car. I was definitely in shock. 

Story two:  On Sunday, we had 3 of our investigators come to church so that was exciting.  Ruben is one that we were teaching a while ago and he just showed up.  We thought that he had passed away so that was very strange. Sunday was pretty eventful.  

Story three:   Monday came around and the weirdness just kept coming...First off, the Boone Elders and us have a game that we play sometimes when we are together.  After we eat lunch with them, we throw our drinks at each other's cars.  So today after they dropped us off at our apartment, we threw some drinks at their car then they came and threw some drinks at our car. Now our neighbor saw us raising havoc and decided to talk with us about it (we always clean up our mess after the game is over). She was upset because she said that the drinks got on her car and that we needed to clean it! So, we cleaned her car like good disciples of Christ would and then we went inside. It had not been but only like 15 minutes when she decided to come back and to tell us that that she was the HSA president (whatever that means) and that she could have us evicted. So meanwhile when all of this was happening, the Boone Elders went to Walmart, purchased some cheese, came back and threw it on our car. She started yelling at them then came to our door and knocked for a third time and said "you might want to get the cheese off your car!" When we went out there, saw that there were only 2 slices of cheese on our car and then thought to ourselves "why wouldn't she have just taken them off?"  But instead, I think that she wanted teach us another lesson.  LOL. We were a little fed up. The next day, I decided to make her my moms famous No Bake cookies for an apology so now we are all good.

Story four: that Monday night, Elder Frogley and I decided to go on a hike to a place that is called hibriten. We got there and we started hiking up the trail. Well about 20 minutes had passed by and we were no where near the peak of the hike where we were trying to get to to catch the sunset. We looked to our left and saw the power line trail (that literally scales the mountain) and decided to take that route.  We went a little more and then realized that we had missed the sunset. So we decide to go back down before it got too dark. Eventually we reached the bottom of the hike and there was Tacoma truck at the end of the trail with its brights on intentionally on us and he was making it so hard to see.  We walked down to the truck a guy got out and shined a flash light at us so.  We started to walk over to him and he started to yell "that's far enough, stand back because I don't have a mask on!"  He proceeded to yell at us telling us that the hike is private property and that we were trespassing because it was after dark. We responded that it was a public hiking place and he said NO because it was after dark. He then told us we were on camera.  I think that the man was crazy!  We started for our car and found a note from him that said "hiking and parking after dark is prohibited. You are trespassing on private property after dark. Please read all signs. Went up at 4:58 sunset was at 5:12 plate was given to police. Subject to tow." We couldn't believe it.

So anyways, crazy week. I love my mission and the things it has taught me. I also love how it has deepened my testimony of our Savior and I will always cherish that. Love you guys and miss you all so much!

1. Car damage from deer
2. Hike picture
3. Crazy man's note
4. The Lenoir Elders dripping out

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