Sunday, December 12, 2021

 December 6, 2021

Howdy Howdy Howdy! 

I hope that everyone is doing good! This week was a good one. It was a little slow but that is normal sometimes.  We did visit a lot of people, but unfortunately, there was not a whole lot of success. I was a little disappointed but one key thing that I've learned while being out on my mission is patience. Before my mission, I would say that I was already pretty patient and pretty easy going most of the time. While being out here in North Carolina, I have had some ups and downs and it has taken me a little bit to realize that that is completely normal. It is normal to have trials and roadblocks. God places things in our path for a reason and on purpose so we we can (1.) Learn from our mistakes and/or trails. (2.)  Progress so we can come closer to our Savior, Jesus Christ. That is so hard to realize while you are in the middle of something hard, but it is the truth.
This week I have been studying from Alma and specifically from Alma 22/23. A brief overview of these chapters is that the Lamanites become less wicked and  become closer to God. Even so much that they lay down there weapons of war while they are in the middle of a war. They become so righteous that the curse of the Lamanites is taken away. The Lamanites are said in the Book of Mormon, to be the most fallen people to ever roam this earth. This chapter talks about the Atonement. The Atonement is the one thing that can make anything clean. The Atonement made the most wicked people on the face of the earth completely clean and pure again. How amazing is that? How amazing is it to know that God loved us so much that he sent his Only Begotten Son, so that we may return back to his presence.

I hope that everyone is having a Christ - Centered Holiday Season.  I wish the best to everyone.

Love, Elder Adams
1. The cops
2. Lunch with President 
3. Home

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