Saturday, December 4, 2021

 November 29, 2021

Yoyoyoyo what is up!

I turned 20 today! What the heck, that makes me feel so old now!!  Now. I was talking to my mom and we I told her that her youngest child is now 20 and she got mad at me haha. A year ago on my birthday, I was home with a sore knee with covid. Crazy to think that I could still be home right now but I am so happy with the decision that I made to come back out on my mission.  It has changed my life forever! Just in the past 4 months I feel like I have changed for the best. I have changed spiritually. I have gained a deeper understanding and testimony for the gospel message of Jesus Christ. Let me just express how important that is to me... I would not be here if I did not know 100% how important the gospel is to every individual. I would not have come back out if I did not know the truthfulness of the Book of Mormon. This is the best joy I have ever felt.  Bringing people closer to Jesus Christ is so rewarding and it makes me happy. 
Anyways, this past week has been amazing! It went really fast and we had a baptism this weekend. We were able to baptize Sebastian!  Woot woot! This week we also taught a bunch of lessons to people and that was cool! Church was amazing too. The spirit was so strong there!  We also baptized Camille earlier this week. She is awesome! She and her brother are just the most friendly and bright little kids that I know! They are always happy to see elder Frogley and I. Every time we pass the sacrament, they always wave at us haha. 
I am doing well and I love all you! Cant wait to see you all again!
1. Baptism with Sebastian 
2. Us just having some fun
3. My mom said enough of the sunset pics but here is another one:)

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