Tuesday, July 5, 2022

 July 4, 2022

Hey Yo 

This past week has been one of the best weeks of my mission. We were able to teach a ton. It is so amazing to see the benefits of our labors. During this week we taught a lady named Elizabeth, I just call her Liz. Anyway, we went to her apartment and started to talk to her. We had a planned lesson in mind to teach, but the Lord had other plans for her. As we were about to teach her about the restoration, something told both me and Elder Semrow, to just go with the flow and let the discussion go as needed. I love being laid back and letting things come when they need to. As we were talking with Liz, all the sudden, many experiences from home came into my mind and I knew these memories were things that I needed to share.  It was the coolest thing ever. We were talking about prayer and how we will find answers when we pray. A beautiful story came into my mind from the past. When I was about 10 years old, my parents had to go on Trek.  Brinley and I stayed with my grandma and grandpa. My grandpa owns 10-15 acres of land plus cows and horses.  While at my grandpa's, I remember  walking out in the pasture and having a wonderful time looking at the cows and horses. Before this journey, my dad gave had given me his pocket knife and said not to lose it. Well, while I was out in the middle of the pasture, I quickly realized I had done that exact same thing.  I had lost the pocket knife!! After 15 or so minutes of anxiously looking for it, I knelt down on my little knees and said a prayer. When I was done with this prayer, I got up and looked for it. Within 5 minutes of looking, I had found it. I know that that prayer helped me find it. It was lost in 15 acres. There is absolutely no way I could have found it on my own.  Prayer is one of the most precious gifts that we have in this life. It is amazing to see the wonders that can be performed when you pray and have faith.

I also wanted to talk about another lesson that we had this past week. We had a lesson with a lady named Mariany and it was really cool too. She was able to attend church a ton in her past and eventually got sucked into the deep hole of reading anti literature about the church. While she was asking us questions during this lesson, it was amazing to see some questions answered in her own life. We were talking about the Book of Mormon and she kept finding little details that don't make sense to her. While she was bringing up these concerns, a thought hit me. There are things that haven't been answered that are in the book of Mormon, but as we come unto Christ and pray diligently, answers will come to us by revelation. Wow that was awesome. I bare witness in my own life that I know that this church is the true Church of God. I know that this Gospel is meant for us to grab a hold, so that we can find some sense of peace and joy in our dark and dreary lives. I know that as we come before our Savior and serve Him with all effort possible, our trials and hardships in life will eventually come to pass. <- this has happened to me and it will happened for YOU:)
1. Picture for my mom
2. This country is beautiful 
3. Just some train tracks
4. Zone
5. Big queen or killer wasp
6. Ice cube reading the BOM
7. Land of the free

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