Sunday, July 3, 2022


Sam shared his Testimony with the Priests and Teachers of the Sandridge Ward...

Hello Elder Adams ,

I hope things are well with you in North Carolina.  I am so proud of you Sam and your commitment to serve a mission.

We are leaving for Priest/Teachers Quorum High Adventure in the next couple of weeks.  I was wondering if you could send a message to me that I could share with the Priests/Teachers during a nightly devotional and let them know what you feel they need to do to prepare to service a mission like you.  Please feel free to share anything else you wish someone would have shared with you when you were a Priest/Teacher.  Please also share your testimony.

Thanks in advance.

All the best,
Adam Call
Sandridge Ward Young MenHey guy its Elder Adams. Right now I am serving a mission in Charlotte North Carolina and wow it has been a wonderful experience for me. During this duration of time I have seen a huge growth in myself. Not only have I gotten a deeper understanding of life and knowledge but I have gained a testimony that is centered on our savior Jesus Christ. One thing that I would like to point out is when I first came out here to NC. Man was I a nervous wreck and I had absolutely no clue what in the world I was doing at the moment. As y’all know, I came home for a knee surgery and it was the hardest thing that I have done in my life up to this point. During this time period that I was home I was set in my ways and told everyone that I was not coming back out here. Little did I know, the Lord had other plans for me. So, I eventually got to the point where I was deciding to come back out on a mission and that is the best decision that I have ever made. Why? You may ask. Because of the wonderful opportunities that I have had to serve and help Gods children. These wonderful opportunities have all been very spiritual and they hold a very special place in my heart. These opportunities that you find out on a mission, you cannot and will not find anywhere else in your life. The beautiful experiences that you experience out here will shape you for the rest of your life. I promise that as you decide to serve a mission that you will have these same experiences. I promise that the Lord will make wonders happen in your life. I promise that you will be able to see the growth that you have been able to accomplish. At times it will be very hard. You might even have the feeling and thought to want to go home. In those situations I challenge you to look on the bright side of things and think about the hard things that you have been able to accomplish in your own life. I would also invite you to think about what Christ has gone through just for you. He has gone through every Pain, Heartache, Temptation, Affliction, Mental discouragement, Physical discouragement, and all this because the worth of your soul is far too great to be lost and forgotten about. He loves you, He will be there for you in your hardest moments, and He will give you inspiration. At this time I challenge you all to start reading your scriptures a little more. You may already be reading your scriptures and that is great but I am asking for you to do some more because it will help you out in the long run. I challenge you guys to go out and serve the people around you. If you do these things I promise that there will be spiritual experiences involved and you may not see it right off the bat but keep doing it and you will soon realize that you are doing miracles. You guys are amazing. Some things I wish I would have been told before my mission are:1. I wish I would have been told how hard the start can be.2. I wish I would have been told how much the spirit is involved in this work.3. I  wish I would have been told the details of how amazing it is to be out here.4. I wish I would have been told that I am not expected to be perfect on a mission.5. I wish I would have been told to be myself at all times.6. I wish I would have been told how hard it can be to get along with some companions.
Some things I wish I would have done before my mission are:1. I wish I would have studied the scriptures more.2. I wish I would have distanced myself from the worldly things.3. I wish I would have gone out ministering a lot more.4. I wish I would have paid more attention in church and seminary.5. I wish I would have been prepared to be uncomfortable with my living situation.6. I wish I would have been ready to be away from my family and friends.7. I wish I would have listen to the spirit more growing up.8. I wish I would have had more faith in the Gospel.9. I wish I would have done more service.10.  I wish I would have taught the gospel more back home.I would like to leave with my testimony. Over these past two years I have really come to know the characteristics of Christ and who he is. I know for a fact that he lives. I know for a fact that he is in our day to day lives and that he is supporting us every step of the way. I know that He loves us and wants the best for us even though that might mean going through hard times. I know that the Atonement is not a backup plan. It is the game plan. God knew that we were going to mess up in our lives and that is why he implemented the Atonement into our individual lives. I know that the Atonement is so wide spread to every single person that has ever lived on this world or ever will but I also know that it is person to us individually. I know that this work, “bringing to pass the immortality and eternal life of man” is sacred and it is something that is so perfect. I know that we are meant to be placed into the lives of others for a reason and that is for us to find out why. I bare this testimony upon you in the sacred name of our Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ Amen.

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