Sunday, July 3, 2022

June 20, 2022 

Hello Everyone 

This past week has been pretty good, but to be honest. it was also very generic. Sometimes I feel like I am constantly living the same day over and over again. I'm here in Rock Hill still and have been for the past 6 months. Plus, I pretty much started my mission here (way back when) so it has really been more like 9 months in South Carolina.  I feel like there isn't a whole lot more work I can do and I honestly think that I have reached out to every single person in our area book! But I also know that there is something in store for this amount of time that I have been here. For the next transfer that will be coming up,  I think it would be really nice to go somewhere else in the mission. I think I will probably go up to Charlotte or somewhere around there. I guess we will just have to wait and see.
This past week we have been teaching some really good lessons. To be a little bit more specific, we taught Johnny a lesson. Johnny is probably our most progressing person at the moment. He is a great guy and definitely someone that has a lot of trust in God. It is amazing to see his growth and more importantly his testimony. I think my favorite thing about being a missionary is watching those that you care about gain a testimony and receive the wonderful blessing that come from living the gospel. I love watching the joy and peace that they are getting, especially in their struggles with life. That is a real testament to me that there is no way the God is not aware of what we are going through. While being a missionary I have heard, "You came into my life at the right exact moment!" WOW, that is the best feeling ever to know that God placed you in someone's path to help them build a relationship with their Savior, which will help them in all aspects of their life. WOW, missionary work is amazing.  One thing I have realized on my mission, is that everything about the gospel is about helping other people. When you look in the scriptures you see that most stories are about someone helping someone else . Even if that someone is God helping his beloved children. Holy smokes, I love this gospel and I love you all or all yall;)  I am thankful for every single one of you because each of you have helped me somewhere down the road and have follow the example of our Lord and Savior!

1. Exchanges w/ Elder Rout
2. Just a beautiful picture
3. The horizon 
4. Cam asleep
5. Dinner
6. Obi Wan Kenobi on a Baptismal Schedule

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