Tuesday, June 14, 2022

 June 14, 2022

Hey y'all!

This past week has definitely been one to remember. First things first, we found some new people. One in particular, his name is Johnny and he is a real cool guy. He has had 6 strokes in his lifetime, which has caused him to be a little bit set back physically but his spiritual side is very strong. He has a wonderful testimony so far and it is wonderful to watch him feel the spirit in our lessons. He is awesome.
This past week I got the stomach flu!! It was one of the worst days of my life. I was throwing up ALL DAY LONG. I honestly had the thought come to my mind "oooh I might die right here and now!"  I made it out alive but not without consequences, so much pressure while throwing up and having to do it so many times resulted in blood shot eyes and they won't go away.

Onto bigger and better things... these past few weeks have been hard and a little discouraging. I have learned  that naturally the human mind (when things are hard) will think of the worst scenario possible! So with knowing that, I have found that it is a little easier to have a more positive attitude towards things. I learned that when I have that positive attitude, I will have better days and I will be able to feel the spirit a little more. I know that when we go through hard times, there are also benefits that come out of it. I know for a fact that God has an eternal plan that we cannot see, but when we have faith and hope in Christ, we will be able to fulfill the will of our Heavenly Father and do amazing things. There is always something that we cant see. There is always something further down the line that is positive and we may have to work to get there but in the end, it will always be worth it.
-Elder Adams signing off.
1. The sunsets out here are outstanding 
2. Stomach flu blood shot eyes
3. New shoes
4. My favorite scripture
5. Just me being silly

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