Tuesday, September 29, 2020

 Week #6

September 28, 2020

I know that I keep saying "wow its crazy how fast this week has gone by" but I am gonna say it again! "Wow its crazy that I have already been out for 3 weeks!" A part of me feels like I just got out here yesterday and the other part of me feels like I have already been our here for a year... hahaha! This week has been a great one! This week I have gotten even closer to my companion! We are literally like the same person so its really easy to get along with him! This week I have also gotten closer to my district and they are totally awesome! Throughout this week we have played a lot of pickle ball, which has been really fun! Pickle ball, like all sports, requires effort! If you are playing pickle ball with no effort, you will lose! This applies to the gospel as well, because our Heavenly Father loves effort! I have learned that a mission is not about coming out here and seeing how many people you can baptize.  Instead, it is about inviting others to come unto Christ by helping them receive the restored gospel through 1- faith in Christ 2- repentance 3- baptism 4- receiving the gift of the Holy Ghost and 5- enduring to the end! If you are putting forth effort in doing missionary work, the Lord will bless you in ways that you wouldn't even have imagined! I know this to be true because I can see it in my own life right now!

Monday, September 21, 2020

                             Week #5                                

September 21, 2020

Yooooo!! Its already been 2 weeks?? What! Time is flying by so fast, especially when you are having fun! This week has been a whole better then last week! last week, was literally terrible because I was homesick the whole week! But, as I said, this week has been so much better! We have been able to teach a lot of people! We started teaching this lady named Bobbie! Bobbie is the nicest lady in the whole world! She is about 70 years old! But guess what, We committed her to a baptism this Saturday!!!! We are definitely so excited for her and we know that having the gospel in her life, will bless her immensely! We know this because of our own personal experiences! I know that the church is true! Growing up, I didn't really have the greatest testimony! I believed that these things were true but I didn't know for sure if they were true! The reason I ultimately chose to go on a mission was because of my sister, Sydnie! Sydnie was an awesome person before her mission, but seeing her after her mission, was like watching a whole new person! I remember seeing how much her testimony grew! I also remember thinking "holy crap, I want to have this in my own life!" That is when I 100% decided that I was going to serve a mission too! I am so happy and grateful that I made this decision to serve because the North Carolina, Charlotte mission has already impacted my life for the better! I know that having the gospel in your life will impact you so much and I promise that you will see so many blessings if you strive to keep the commandments and the sabbath day holy! Anyway, I love y'all! Thank you for supporting me in this decision!!:)


It was so good to talk with Sam today.  He seems to be doing  good.  He seems happy, positive, and definitely getting into the groove.

Happy Day, I love his smile!

Monday, September 14, 2020

Week #4

September 14, 2020

Wow! Its already been a week? That is crazy! Time really does fly by when you are a missionary! Anyways, I am going to be honest, missions are really hard! Especially when you are super homesick! This week I have thought about coming home probably everyday! But there is always something that tells me to stay out here! I know that is the spirit talking to me and saying "come on you can do this!" Or "college is going to stink pretty bad anyways!" This has been the biggest blessing because I don't know what I would do if I came home right now! I have learned one thing about myself...one way to make sure that I am not homesick is that I need to always stay engaged in something and never have any free time! This has helped me so much because it is easier to have joy when you are learning or teaching about the Gospel rather than thinking about home and becoming overwhelmed! I know that the Charlotte, North Carolina mission needs me here and not at home! My dad told me about an awesome quote that he learned on his mission and that is "a ship in a harbor is safe, but that is not what a ship is meant for. You are meant to sail!!" This helped me out so much and I am so grateful for his love for me.  I am thankful for everyone's love for me, it has helped me out here and also helped me to prepare to serve a mission! I love you all, stay safe in Utah:)

Thursday, September 10, 2020

September 9, 2020


Made it safely to North Carolina.  My heart is definitely in North Carolina now 💗

Sam's first night was spent in Charlotte, North Carolina.  He was supposed to have packed some PJ's in his carry on bag so he would have a pair for the first night...we didn't know that SO Sam had to sleep in his church clothes.  Good thing he wore his Lulu Lemon slacks giving him the mobility and comfort one would need from a pair of pajamas!

Next morning (September 10) Sam traveled to his new area which is Rockhill, South Carolina and met his companion, Elder Holyoak. I guess my heart is in South Carolina for a bit.💗


Wednesday, September 9, 2020

Saying Goodbye - September 9, 2020

One of the hardest days of our lives...Saying goodbye. 

3Nephi 5:13

Behold, I am a disciple of Jesus Christ, the Son of God.  I have been called of him to declare his word among his people, that they might have everlasting life.

Sam is going to be a missionary that will capture the hearts of everyone he teaches.  His kindness and his genuine smile will bring the people of North Carolina to know of this higher purpose...to have everlasting life and everlasting joy!


September 8, 2020


Today Sam went through the temple.  After a few restrictions were lifted, the temple started scheduling missionaries as fast as they could, and Sam was able to get in before he left.

It was a wonderful experience having only our family inside the sealing room with no one else.  Maybe there are a few perks to be living during a pandemic.

After the temple, Grandpa took us all out to Olive Garden for our last dinner with Sam.

Sunday, September 6, 2020

 Being Set Apart as a Missionary

August 19, 2020

Today Sam ventured down to the Stake Center and was set apart as a full time Missionary for The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints.  It was a sweet experience.  I was peaceful in the midst of a chaotic world.  I'm sure that Sam loved having his family there with him and able to support him throughout this incredible journey.  We love you Sam and we are all so proud of you.  The next 2 years will be the best 2 years of your life.  Your smile will shine bright to all of the people you teach in North Carolina.

Going into the Stake Center...

Coming out of the Stake Center as a Missionary for The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints...

Going out for ice cream afterwards...

Entering the MTC...