Monday, September 6, 2021

 September 6, 2021

Hey everyone! Elder Adams here!

I hope that everyone is doing good!  This week was sooo good for me. Elder Brown and I have been so busy visiting people that we literally went over miles by 600!! This week was good just because we were so busy, which makes things go by quickly.  I have enjoyed every moment but I also love it when time passes by really fast. One of our busiest days were Saturday.  I think that we visited and/or taught around 30 people.  At the end of the day, I had the biggest headache ever because I was literally spiritually drained.  

I learned a lesson this week.  The lesson is that there will always be someone better than you at something and that you can learn from them.  I learned that from Elder Brown.  He is a wonderful teacher and is very enthusiastic when he teaches.  I feel like I am enthusiastic too but Elder Brown is such a good teacher and I am learning things from him every day.  That is okay that he is better than me because I realize that the only way to go is up!  So learn from the people that are great and you will see drastic changes in your life!
Peace out! 

-yo boi Elder Adams

1. Elder Brown and I
2. A Utah license plate (reminded me of home)
3. Street contacting in the rain
4. Drawing of R2-D2:)

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