Monday, September 13, 2021

September 13, 2021 

Hey guys! 

This week has definitely been one for the books! It has flown by so quickly and we have been so busy. I feel like the 2 months of being out here has gone by so fast.  In a way, it only seems like I've been out here for 2 weeks! What a huge blessing that has been for me because I was so nervous to come back out. So happy that the time is passing but more importantly, that we are busy teaching lessons and visiting families rather than stuck in our apartment.

This week I have been studying in Mosiah! In Mosiah, it talks all about king Benjamin. King Benjamin was a righteous Nephite king that brought peace to the Nephites.  The people of King Benjamin loved him and were very diligent. Thousands of them traveled to go out of their way to listen to King Benjamin, who was a man of God. Now, relating this to our life... we have righteous people in our church that are men of God just like King Benjamin (the First Presidency and the Quorum of the Twelve  Apostles). We can listen to them to learn truths, they give us strength, and they guide us to become better. I am excited for General Conference that is coming up in October.

This week. we asked a couple that we have been teaching to pray about a baptismal date! They said they would, how cool is that!? They are the Spirkos and they used to be Jehovah's witnesses and have now converted to The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints! I am really excited for them.

1. My techdeck collection so far!
2. Cool lightning storm!
3. Some nachos that destroyed my stomach ahaha!!
4. Cool lil frog.

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