Monday, September 20, 2021

September 20, 2021

Hey everyone!
This week was a really good week for me! We have been teaching a family that used to be Jehovah's Witnesses.  They are awesome and have made the decision to continue discussions and now they are converting over to the good side! Soon they will be Jedi apprentices!

This week I have learned a lot about how the Lord blesses us when we are doing our very best! I also have learned that the Lord places trials in our life because he loves us. He allows us to hurt a little, maybe even suffer, because He loves us and He wants us to grow.  Our Heavenly Father wants us to learn, grow, and ultimately convert from a telestial  state to a celestial state.  He knows and understands that the only way that we can grow to become a celestial citizen, is by going through trials that we learn from and become better each and everyday.

Now for the news that I am excited about...Sunday night, I found out that I am going to be training a brand new missionary and moving to a different area! My first thoughts were "oh great, this is going to go well!" (sarcasm) But thinking about it all day, I have realized that it is going to be so much fun and teach me a lot! The area that I will be transferring to is Lenoir, North Carolina, it is about 1 hour north of Shelby.  I love you guys, stay safe and have fun out there in Utah!

1. Cool picture of me
2. I bought a skateboard 
3. Talent show
4. Brother Nokes and I 

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