Friday, September 24, 2021

 Email from North Carolina :)

September 24, 2021

24 Sep 2021


Elder Samuel Steven Adams

605 College Avenue SW

LenoirNC 28645


Dear Elder Adams,


Congratulations on your recent call to be the trainer of a new missionary.  This is a very exciting time in the life of a person embarking on the path of service in the Lord's kingdom here on earth.  You have been called and chosen because of your faithful service in the mission.  The highest calling that can be given to a missionary in the North Carolina Charlotte Mission is to be called as a trainer.


Please review the Introduction to Preach My Gospel (online version) as it applies to a Trainer's role.  The responsibility to train a new missionary is great, but the Lord has deemed that you are prepared and worthy of such a call at this time.  I have full faith and trust that because of your efforts in training, the missionary that has been assigned to you will follow your example in becoming a great missionary.


I encourage you to teach your new companion how to hear and feel the promptings of the Spirit and how to respond properly to them.  Your companion needs to be taught all of the aspects of dedicated and devoted service to the Lord and His children. Your companion will rely upon you to be the example of a devoted servant of the Savior.  I have complete confidence in your ability to fulfill this responsibility in the Lord's way.


Seek the Lord's guidance as you embark upon this wonderful opportunity to be involved as a member of the "Greatest Generation of Missionaries" in the history of the Church.  I extend my love to you and pray continually for your success in the service of the Lord.  May you always feel His love for you.



Thaddeus M. Brown, President

North Carolina Charlotte Mission


Cc: Parents

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