Saturday, October 2, 2021

 September 27, 2021

Howdy Partner

Elder Adams here signing in from the east coast! 

This week has been fantastic! I am training a new missionary and it has been a fun week! My new companion is awesome!  His name is Elder Frogley and he is from Boise, Idaho.  We have a lot in common and we are getting along great.  It has been fun getting to know him and I think that we have a lot of the same personality traits. He has taught me this week and think that I have taught him a lot too. We are in a new area called Lenoir and it is so cool. Some of Lenoir is a bigger city area and the other part is more country! The country part kind of reminds me of Huntsville (where my grandma lives) so that is kind of comforting to me!  Anyway, I'm doing really well and working hard!  I hope that everyone is also doing good.  

1. Sunbeam
2. Cool jacked up truck
3. Cool river
4. Some ring in town

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