Tuesday, October 12, 2021

 October 12, 2021

Hello my friends! This week has been a really great week! Probably one of the best that I've had on my mission so far. Elder Frogley and I were able to find 3 new people to add to our teaching pool.  Two families that we have had for a while have committed to setting a baptism date and I am so excited about that! Absolutely wonderful! Also this week, I had the opportunity to attend a baptism in my last area. I drove back to Shelby, North Carolina with Elder Frogley and there we met up with Elder Brown and we were able to baptize the Spirkos. They are so cool. They grew up catholic and then converted over to Jehovah's Witnesses. They have worked hard to completely change their lifestyle and join The Church Of Jesus Christ Of Latter-day Saints. I love that they are a such a great example of faith.  I loved getting to know them and teach them in my last area and I feel so lucky to have been able to go back to Shleby and be a part of that.  They are some of the most Christ-like people that I know and they are just full of  love and kindness. They often remind me of who I want to be. 

1. Spirkos baptism!!!
2. The beautiful world
3. The beautiful world part 2

October 10, 2021

Howdy guys!!! 
Sorry I'm a little late! This week has been so busy! Life as a missionary is so much better when you get along with your companion and you have a lot to do! Elder Frogley and I have been having a lot of fun and has been working really hard. We are in the slowest area in the mission.  The area we are in was just white washed, meaning all the old missionaries were transferred and they brought new ones into the area.  When we arrived, the old missionaries only had one contact that they had been teaching.  But that is  okay because that means we will stay busy because there is a lot of work to do. Oh guess what! This Saturday I have a baptism! In my last area we were teaching some Jehovah's Witnesses by the name of Pat and Thomas Spirko.  They are finally ready for baptism...how wonderful is that? They are the perfect example of Christ like people!

1. Elder Frogley and I
2. Beautiful sunset 
3. Car Show

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