Tuesday, October 19, 2021

 October 18, 2021

Good morning from North Carolina! This week was one for the records. it was another really good week. We taught a bunch of lessons and this area is just kind of turning around. We already have 6 new people, which is crazy because this is the slowest area in the mission. The lessons taught were amazing. We had a lesson with a guy named Ruben and he asked me what my favorite scripture at the time was so I said Deuteronomy 31:6 "Be strong and of a good courage, fear not, nor be afraid of them: for the Lord thy God, he it is that doth go with thee; he will not fail thee, nor forsake thee" but before that, I accidentally turned to Deuteronomy 33:6 which literally says "Let Reuben live, and not die; and let not his men be few." So, that was a pretty cool experience haha.

It feels like time is just going faster and faster.  I had the hope that this time around would be different than that fall and it totally has been!  (God answers prayers.) 

Today we went to this place called Bo's, it is kind of like a boondocks. They had Laser tag, bowling, mini golf and all that fun stuff.  It was kind of weird though because it was something I hadn't done out here on my mission and I felt like I was hanging out with my buddies back home. Good thing it didn't make me home sick haha. I know Conference was a few weeks ago, but it was so good that I wanted to mention it. General Conference  weekend is the best weekend as a missionary, all you have to do is watch the TV and listen, learn, and relax! But the talks that were given had so much correlation with what the world is going through right now. Like one thing that I noticed was that the speakers talked a lot about mental health and that is so crucial right now for so many people.

Anyways, I'm doing great out here and I'm starting to find the LOVE and JOY that a mission brings. Thank you for all your support!
-Elder Adams

1. Us playing basketball with some kids 
2. My next purchase!

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