Tuesday, November 2, 2021

 November 1, 2021

What is up everyone?

This week has been pretty good.  We found 3 new amazing people to teach.  Lenoir, North Carolina is good.  It is a great area and has a lot of work to be done.

Many unexpected things happened this week. On Friday, we had a lesson planned with Ruben. We were running late because of a lesson right before his so we tried to call Ruben to tell him we were sorry for being late and if he would still be ok to meet.  He didn't answer so we left a message.  Later he called us back, he was angry because he never listened to our message and told us that he wouldn't be able to meet with us anymore and said some other choice words.  A few minutes later, he called back and said to just come over...so we went over and had another lesson with him.  It was all very strange but I am so glad that he called us back. 

My companion and I are doing good, staying busy, and having so much fun while doing everything that we are supposed to be doing. Anyway, what a wonderful week it has been. I'm doing great! Hope you guys are doing great too!

1. Cool truck at Walmart
2. We dyed our hair for the ward Trunk or Treat
3. One of the members dogs
4. Cool sunset 

October 25, 2021

Hello all y'all

This week went by so fast. Elder Frogley and I have been working really hard. We were able to get a new person on date to be baptized!! How cool is that? His name Is Ruben and I think I may have mentioned him in my last email. He is from Los Angeles and used to be in some gangs there. He is a super cool guy that is progressing so much. Seeing people progress is one of the many blessings that you see as a missionary. 

I am really enjoying my new companion.  Having a good companion can make a big difference. When you're happy and working hard, time flies by and the weeks are productive and positive.  I love that.  Elder Frogley has been a huge blessing in my life. I was a little bit hesitant when deciding if I wanted to come back or not because I didn't want to have a companion that I did not like. Heavenly Father has been watching out for me! He has placed me with great companions! What a wonderful blessing for me! 

Anyway, I am doing great out here! I love the work and I wouldn't want to be anywhere else:)

-Elder Adams

(Sorry I don't have any pictures this week unfortunately)

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