Monday, November 15, 2021

 November 8, 2021

Hello everyone in Utah

This week was great, not a lot of stuff happened, but it went by so quickly. While I was preparing to come back out on my mission, I kept having the thought that time will probably go by so slow and that was one thing that was making it hard to make my decision, making me a little hesitant about coming back out. I am so glad that I made the decision to come back, it has changed my life forever. I have learned life lessons that I would never have learned at home or anywhere else. 
This week we did a lot of service (hallelujah) I love service so much because it kind of allows me to get away from missionary work while doing it at the same time. It allows me to focus on something else for a little while. I love that and I love helping others!  We chopped wood for a lady for a very long time, it was a good workout. We were able to teach her a lesson at the same time, which was awesome.  Her name is Lorene and she is the sweetest old lady I have met. Literally so nice. She always makes us food when we go over there:)
1. Brother Cogdell on his tiny tractor 
2. Another beautiful sunset.
3. Me skating 
4. My mission drip

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