Monday, February 21, 2022

 February 14, 2022

What is up you guys! 

Sorry, I have really been slacking on emails recently. This past week has been a really good one! But unfortunately, in the past few weeks, we have had to drop a lot of our people we were teaching because they were not progressing. But this week we found 4 new people who are super solid. We are really happy about this, it is a blessing in disguise for sure. Also this week, I think we had at least one lesson a day, which is very different then what it was like in Lenoir.  Meeting with our new people is exciting and lessons are coming easy for me.  It is like bearing my testimony and I know just what to say. It is kind of amazing to realize how much someone can progress while out on a mission.  So MANY blessings have come my way.  Before I started my mission, I think I could bear my testimony for maybe like 3 minutes and I didn't know a whole lot about the gospel then. But as I have put myself in these situations, I have been able to grow in many ways. 
Lately, I have been thinking about how much potential everyone has! Everyone can progress in their own way. That has brought me a lot of peace these past few days to know that no matter where you are in life, there is a lot more room for you to grow. Now that can be humbling and can also bring so much hope in one's life.
1. Cool dunk
2. No caption needed
3. Me jus messing around
4. Me and the fountain 

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