Wednesday, February 23, 2022

 February 21, 2022

What's up my guys! This week was one to remember for sure, we had a wonderful week! In fact, we led the whole mission in finding new people!!!! We found 8 new people this week and we also put someone on date to be baptized. Her name is Tumekia and she is amazing, she is the definition of elect! This was our second lesson with her so we taught her the restoration of the church and she absolutely loved the fact that we have the priesthood in our church. Then we introduced the Book of Mormon to her and again she absolutely loved it. In her own words..."I like this more than the Bible because you get a better understanding of Jesus Christ." She also said that she hasn't been baptized ever and when she was growing up, she had always dreamed of being baptized. We were so happy and excited with her responses. We were able to put her on date to be baptized the 19th of March. The most incredible thing is that this gospel is going to change her life forever! I know that her decision to be baptized will give her peace and allow her to draw closer to Jesus Christ.
This week in my studies, I have been reading in Alma, specifically chapters 50 through 56. In these chapters, the Laminates and the Nephites are at war.  The Nephites are fighting for peace and for their families where as the Lamanites are just fighting to gain power over the Nephites. In these chapters, the Nephites are lead by Moroni and Moroni is a man of God. It says in Alma 48:17 "Yea, verily, verily I say unto you, if all men had been, and were, and ever would be, like unto Moroni, behold, the very powers of hell would have been shaken forever; yea, the devil would never have power over the hearts of the children of men." That is such a powerful scripture!  

I know that because the Nephites and Moroni were righteous and thtt they held firm to the commandments, they were able to win many of their battles because righteousness was on their side. I know that as we put forth effort in following the teachings of Christ, our burdens will become more light and God will bless us in our own lives. 

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