Sunday, March 20, 2022

 March 14, 2022

Howdy everyone!

This week was a good one.  This past week, I found out that I was staying here in Rock Hill, South Carolina.  This wasn't necessarily bad news. I have actually grown to love this area and see that it's not really as bad as I remember. I think that I have mentioned this in past emails... I served in Rock Hill when I started my mission and it was really hard for me because I was so homesick and I missed my Mom haha. I also missed being comfortable at home in Syracuse. I really believe that this is a blessing from God because when I got home after hurting my knee, I told my parents that I never wanted to go back to that place ever again. But things work out in strange ways, and here we are again! 
Although this area is a full bike area, it has been wonderful! My legs are getting shredded haha. I have really learned that God has a plan for me as he does for each and everyone of you. I have learned how to love this place that I once swore I would ever go back to.  Now if that wasn't God teaching me a lesson, then I don't know what is. 
This week we have been focusing our efforts on making every single person we come into contact with to smile. In my patriarchal blessing, it says that I have a gift from God to help others feel peace and comfort through my smile. So I know that by me trying to make everyone smile through my smile, I am helping someone out there.  While trying this exercise, I have realized that all I want to do is make people happy. I know that God is helping me with this because it helps me to feel happiness and peace:) I love the happiness that comes from this gospel! It is something that you cannot and will not find anywhere else. Now for that reason alone, I know that this gospel is true and I know for a fact that if you are struggling in your life, you can reach out and help someone else and that will bring you the peace that you need in your life! I promise:) 
Elder Adams

picture time:)
1. biking in the rain
2. elder Robinson and I on a very cold day burrrr 🥶
3. cool car 🚗 
4. beautiful sunset

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