Tuesday, March 29, 2022

March 28 

What's going on everyone!?!? This week was absolutely wonderful. We started the week off by going to the temple on Tuesday. It was so awesome. The temple that we attended was the South Caroling Columbia Temple and it was amazing. But it was really, really small. It was literally one story tall.  Even though it was small and different than the temples in Utah, the same feelings were felt from the first time I went through the temple. So, while going through the temple I had one of the most powerful experiences that I have ever had and all I could think about was how good God is. It is so amazing how powerful  you can feel the spirit.  The temple trip was the highlight of the week.

Even though I would consider the temple trip the highlight of the week, we also had Zone Conference and it was absolutely amazing as well. We learned a lot about the God Head and the specific roles within it. It was awesome because I was able to gain a little bit of background for when I get to teach those fire breathing Baptist ahaha. But the best part about zone conference was that I was able to see Elder Frogley again and it was so great to see him. I absolutely love that kid. He is one of my best friends. I had such a good time talking with him and reminiscing, it was a huge blessing because it allowed me to have some more happiness that day. 
 So overall, this week was amazing! I was able to feel the spirit, learn from our Mission President, visit old companions, and definitely feel the blessing of the Lord in my life:)  I know that Christ is the Savior of the world. I know that He is here with us every single step of the way. At our lowest moments, He is right beside us ready to help. I know that this gospel is the true Word of God. I know that the atonement is personal to every single person. I know that the atonement can make anything clean and pure. I know this because I have experienced it in my own life and it has completely allowed me to grow and to flourish:)
I love you guys. See you next week. Let me know if I can do anything for you.
1. Zoom meeting was lit
2. Me, Elder Frogley, Elder Durfee
3. Elder, Frogley and I
4. The temple
5. The night before


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