Wednesday, April 20, 2022

April 11, 2022 

Hello there (Obi-Wan Kenobi)

What is up everyone? I miss everyone! 
This week has been a good week! The only thing is, it was probably one of the most stressful weeks ever. We received our transfer news  and Elder Robinson will be leaving and Elder Semrow will be coming in! Elder Semrow is from Syracuse Utah so that is actually crazy. I know him a little bit because he was in my last district when I was serving in Lenoir.  I feel like we are going to get along!  It will be fun. 

An important lesson that I have learned is to not get too worked up about things because if youre working hard, things will work out. This has been one of the biggest blessings in my life because when these stressful times come, I now can brush them off, take a breather, and get to work. Growing up, I never really thought that I had stress in my life. It wasn't until I got out to Rock Hill, South Carolina (the first time) that it really hit me hard. That first 3 months of my mission was a train wreck, but it was something that I obviously needed to experience to be able to learn this lesson. Being out on a mission, I have learned that everything that happens is supposed to happen to lead you in the direction that Heavenly Father desires for you. So, ultimately we should go forward in faith but as human beings that is so so hard to see. When we go through these trials, there are times when we can not see a way out of the holes that we have dug ourselves into. That is just how the human brain works.  That's when we need to remember the Atonement, remember the things Christ felt in the Garden of Gethsemane. He has suffered everything! He has felt it. He is there by your side to comfort you and He will:)
Anyway I love you guys. So, let me know if you need anything! Because I would be more than happy to help out:)
Photo time:
1. Fire
2. Elder Robinson and I
3. Hurt my nose
4. Some geese
5. Kool video

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