Monday, June 6, 2022

April 28, 2022 

Hello everyone! This week has been a good one but it also had some rough times as well because of the lack of people interested. It can just be a little discouraging sometimes. One good thing is that we have set up a bunch of lessons for this coming week, which gives us something to look forward to. 
This week, one of my best mission friends will be leaving to go home. This is the worst. His name is Elder Mauluulu. His name is a mouthful, haha. Anyway, he is amazing. When I started my mission, he had just started a transfer before me. He was one of the missionaries that really helped me find peace and comfort out here when I was terrified of this place and being away from home. I will always be so grateful for that. 
The other day I was kind of reflecting on my mission and how it has impacted my life. The thoughts that were coming to my mind were  "what would I be like if I hadn't come back out" and other things like that. Well it kind of scared me a little bit. While being out here in the Carolinas, I have learned that missions are absolutely wonderful and the blessings that come from them are amazing and awesome. But, they are super hard too. The blessings and the rewards that come from being a missionary and helping people everyday are absolutely worth the hard times and they definitely exceed the hard times:) 
I love you guys and I am excited to see you guys again (one day). Keep doing all you do and everything will work out. I promise! Just put your trust in Heavenly Father's timing and you will go where our Father would like you to.
Love everyone
Elder Adams
1. Semrow and I
2. Cool Lil frog
3. P.2
4. P.3
5. Just me

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