Monday, June 6, 2022

 May 23, 2022

These past 2 weeks have been really good. To start it off... we put Ms. Lisa on date to be baptized the 28th! Absolutely crazy! She is so ready:) She has such a wonderful spirit about her and she cares for everyone The only problem or road block, is that she has been smoking quite a bit:/ so, we unfortunately had to move her date back a little bit because you have to be 2 weeks free of smoking. 

This last week, Dale G. Renland came to our mission.  Immediately when he first walked into the gym, I could feel  the spirit and it was so uplifting. WOW.  He walked past many of us and we were able to shake his hand. OH BOY I'll tell ya what, it felt like he was starring right into my soul. It was a little intimating to think that this wonderful man is like a war general for God and Jesus Christ. After, we were able to do a Q & A with him and his wife and that was super cool except my question wasn't answered but that was fine, they answered a lot of good questions.

In the past two weeks, I have really experienced the joy of being a missionary and seeing God's work affect the life's of others. That is the most beautiful joy that anyone can experience! Being able to see people progress within the gospel is amazing and something I'll never forget. 
A lot of stuff has been coming up and we are busy, but I've finally gotten to the point where I just say to myself "it'll work out" or "just sit back and let it happen". If there is one really cool thing that I have learned on my mission... it would have to be that when you get on your knees and pray and plead, your day will become easier. Your load will be lightened and what an awesome experience that is when you feel that. 
Christ is here for us. He is here with his arm around us, guiding us to wherever we need to go. He is here to help us feel peace and joy.
He is here to bare our burdens:)

1. Hard Sam
2. Me, Geffry, Semrow
3. Just a picture outside 

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