Monday, August 30, 2021

 August 30, 2021

Hey guys!! 

This week was one to remember! At the start of last week, I was having a really hard time.  I did not want to be feeling like that so I decided to do something about it!  When I knelt down to say my prayers that night, I remember saying "Dear Heavenly Father," and almost immediately after I had said those words, I got the chills and it felt like someone had given me a hug! After that, I went on to asked for some peace and happiness  because I needed to feel that! 

The next day, I kid you not, I felt like my prayer was answered.  Every single door we knocked on, the people living there answered! We ended up seeing 5 people that day and 4 of those people invited us in and we were able to have a lesson with them!  The day went by fast, we were busy, and I felt happy and peaceful.  I know that serving and sharing the gospel with the people of North Carolina that day and feeling successful,  was a direct answer to my prayer. It was one of the coolest experiences I've had!

During the week, I can't remember what day, but we had to bless a house (yikes) hahah! I was lucky enough to say the prayer and I was so nervous.  many words came out of my mouth that I was not planning on saying! It was so cool! I truly can say that I have seen the light of Christ in my life this past week!

1. Just because my mom loves coke.
2. Me just being me.
3. Some persons yard sign.

 August 24, 2021

Hey everyone! 

This week was a challenge to say the least. But that is just fine, I know that I will be okay. On Wednesday, we had our district activity and then we went out to eat. It was a fun day. On Thursday, we went on exchanges with the zone leaders and I thought it would be a miserable time but it was actually really fun because I was able to vent and get new insights. On Friday, we went on another exchange with the West Charlotte missionaries. I was able to go to West Charlotte with Elder Searle. Elder Searle and I had a wonderful time because we were able to play some pick up basketball with some street contacts. I had a blast! On Sunday, we had church and that is always something I look forward to because it allows me to relax and to feel peace. I love that about church, it helps me out so much! After church, we were able to do some service for a guy named Earl.  It was not fun but we got through it. I'm doing good, Thank you everyone for cheering me on!

1. Service 
2. Cowboy Elder Adams
3. Some more service 

Monday, August 16, 2021

 August 16, 2021

Hello everyone!!!

This week has been one of the most difficult weeks yet! First off, I dropped my companion off at the mission office because he has finished his mission! He and I were literally like the one-two punch! He is one of my best friends and I really grew to love and admire him. So obviously after that, I was very sad! Even so much that I was in tears for a couple days! Anyway, I got a new companion and his name is Elder Brown! Elder Brown and I are not exactly alike, so it has been super rough adjusting to the alignments that come with getting a new companion. I know that it will be ok though, it is just fine because we are here to endure and to grow! Obviously I have had to change in a few ways. Change is a very very hard thing for a lot of people, but it is not necessarily a bad thing.  In fact, I believe that we can learn so much from change and we can become so much better! In the repentance process the most important aspect of the principle is change! No doubt in my mind! Changing always makes us stronger! I know that for a fact! I also know that as we strive to change and become better, we will be blessed and become closer to our Heavenly Father!

1. Me and the Jonas Brothers 
2. Storm Troopers Toaster
3.  Police Car mixed with a cab
4. Windmill for the bois

Tuesday, August 10, 2021

 August 10, 2021

Wow it's already been a month since I left my little town in Utah!

This week has been fantastic with only a few tough days! I know that we are meant to go through hard/tough times, it is how we grow and become better and stronger! This is something that I have learned since being out here and it has allowed me to really get the full experience of a mission (even though I've only been back out a month ahaha) I feel like I have learned so much more this second time being around in north Carolina! That alone is something that gives me so much hope and motivation. 

This week we have been so busy which, is something that I love because I know that if we were not busy then I would be miserable out here haha! My trainer, Elder Holyoak, has been a true angel and blessing in the last few weeks, he has taught me that missions are hard but they are also worth it! As I was studying and preparing for a lesson this week I read a talk given by Dallin H Oaks. This talk is called "Cleansed by Repentance." In the talk it talks about things like "we are only cleansed through the atonement of Jesus Christ" or "we have to come unto Christ and repent so that we can live with him again." My most favorite line from this talk is Dallin H Oaks quoting our prophet Russell M Nelson, "the price is worth the prize."  We all know repenting is something that is really hard and difficult. But, if we repent we will receive the prize! I testify this in the name of Jesus Christ our Redeemer and friend, amen.

Brother Campbell (one of the funniest people I've met)

I caught a fish

Monday, August 2, 2021

 August 2, 2021

Howdy Hoo!

How is everyone?? It feels like yesterday I was in Syracuse, Utah just hanging out! Time flies when you are working hard! This week we have had a bunch of lessons which has been a great blessing for me because it has brought me even closer to Christ! But the best thing about these lessons is when I see people light up with the spirit inside them. It seriously is one of the coolest things I have ever experienced! Being able to experience this has also been a huge blessing because it shows that our hard work is paying off! 

This week we taught this lady named Sandra the message of the restoration. A little background about Sandra is that she used to be a huge alcoholic! So bad that it almost took her life! In fact, my first conversation with her was like this "I haven't drank in 2 months, but I am still smoking weed. I used to smoke like 2 ounces a day but now I only do it like twice a day!" hahaha.  The people out here in the south are funny😂 but something cool about her is that she was so willing to keep the commitments that we are working on for her! I can definitely see the light of Christ in her! 

Anyway, I hope that everyone is doing good and that everyone is okay! I love you guys and can't wait to see ya again!