Friday, September 24, 2021

 Email from North Carolina :)

September 24, 2021

24 Sep 2021


Elder Samuel Steven Adams

605 College Avenue SW

LenoirNC 28645


Dear Elder Adams,


Congratulations on your recent call to be the trainer of a new missionary.  This is a very exciting time in the life of a person embarking on the path of service in the Lord's kingdom here on earth.  You have been called and chosen because of your faithful service in the mission.  The highest calling that can be given to a missionary in the North Carolina Charlotte Mission is to be called as a trainer.


Please review the Introduction to Preach My Gospel (online version) as it applies to a Trainer's role.  The responsibility to train a new missionary is great, but the Lord has deemed that you are prepared and worthy of such a call at this time.  I have full faith and trust that because of your efforts in training, the missionary that has been assigned to you will follow your example in becoming a great missionary.


I encourage you to teach your new companion how to hear and feel the promptings of the Spirit and how to respond properly to them.  Your companion needs to be taught all of the aspects of dedicated and devoted service to the Lord and His children. Your companion will rely upon you to be the example of a devoted servant of the Savior.  I have complete confidence in your ability to fulfill this responsibility in the Lord's way.


Seek the Lord's guidance as you embark upon this wonderful opportunity to be involved as a member of the "Greatest Generation of Missionaries" in the history of the Church.  I extend my love to you and pray continually for your success in the service of the Lord.  May you always feel His love for you.



Thaddeus M. Brown, President

North Carolina Charlotte Mission


Cc: Parents

Monday, September 20, 2021

September 20, 2021

Hey everyone!
This week was a really good week for me! We have been teaching a family that used to be Jehovah's Witnesses.  They are awesome and have made the decision to continue discussions and now they are converting over to the good side! Soon they will be Jedi apprentices!

This week I have learned a lot about how the Lord blesses us when we are doing our very best! I also have learned that the Lord places trials in our life because he loves us. He allows us to hurt a little, maybe even suffer, because He loves us and He wants us to grow.  Our Heavenly Father wants us to learn, grow, and ultimately convert from a telestial  state to a celestial state.  He knows and understands that the only way that we can grow to become a celestial citizen, is by going through trials that we learn from and become better each and everyday.

Now for the news that I am excited about...Sunday night, I found out that I am going to be training a brand new missionary and moving to a different area! My first thoughts were "oh great, this is going to go well!" (sarcasm) But thinking about it all day, I have realized that it is going to be so much fun and teach me a lot! The area that I will be transferring to is Lenoir, North Carolina, it is about 1 hour north of Shelby.  I love you guys, stay safe and have fun out there in Utah!

1. Cool picture of me
2. I bought a skateboard 
3. Talent show
4. Brother Nokes and I 

Monday, September 13, 2021

September 13, 2021 

Hey guys! 

This week has definitely been one for the books! It has flown by so quickly and we have been so busy. I feel like the 2 months of being out here has gone by so fast.  In a way, it only seems like I've been out here for 2 weeks! What a huge blessing that has been for me because I was so nervous to come back out. So happy that the time is passing but more importantly, that we are busy teaching lessons and visiting families rather than stuck in our apartment.

This week I have been studying in Mosiah! In Mosiah, it talks all about king Benjamin. King Benjamin was a righteous Nephite king that brought peace to the Nephites.  The people of King Benjamin loved him and were very diligent. Thousands of them traveled to go out of their way to listen to King Benjamin, who was a man of God. Now, relating this to our life... we have righteous people in our church that are men of God just like King Benjamin (the First Presidency and the Quorum of the Twelve  Apostles). We can listen to them to learn truths, they give us strength, and they guide us to become better. I am excited for General Conference that is coming up in October.

This week. we asked a couple that we have been teaching to pray about a baptismal date! They said they would, how cool is that!? They are the Spirkos and they used to be Jehovah's witnesses and have now converted to The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints! I am really excited for them.

1. My techdeck collection so far!
2. Cool lightning storm!
3. Some nachos that destroyed my stomach ahaha!!
4. Cool lil frog.

Monday, September 6, 2021

 September 6, 2021

Hey everyone! Elder Adams here!

I hope that everyone is doing good!  This week was sooo good for me. Elder Brown and I have been so busy visiting people that we literally went over miles by 600!! This week was good just because we were so busy, which makes things go by quickly.  I have enjoyed every moment but I also love it when time passes by really fast. One of our busiest days were Saturday.  I think that we visited and/or taught around 30 people.  At the end of the day, I had the biggest headache ever because I was literally spiritually drained.  

I learned a lesson this week.  The lesson is that there will always be someone better than you at something and that you can learn from them.  I learned that from Elder Brown.  He is a wonderful teacher and is very enthusiastic when he teaches.  I feel like I am enthusiastic too but Elder Brown is such a good teacher and I am learning things from him every day.  That is okay that he is better than me because I realize that the only way to go is up!  So learn from the people that are great and you will see drastic changes in your life!
Peace out! 

-yo boi Elder Adams

1. Elder Brown and I
2. A Utah license plate (reminded me of home)
3. Street contacting in the rain
4. Drawing of R2-D2:)