Tuesday, June 14, 2022

 June 14, 2022

Hey y'all!

This past week has definitely been one to remember. First things first, we found some new people. One in particular, his name is Johnny and he is a real cool guy. He has had 6 strokes in his lifetime, which has caused him to be a little bit set back physically but his spiritual side is very strong. He has a wonderful testimony so far and it is wonderful to watch him feel the spirit in our lessons. He is awesome.
This past week I got the stomach flu!! It was one of the worst days of my life. I was throwing up ALL DAY LONG. I honestly had the thought come to my mind "oooh I might die right here and now!"  I made it out alive but not without consequences, so much pressure while throwing up and having to do it so many times resulted in blood shot eyes and they won't go away.

Onto bigger and better things... these past few weeks have been hard and a little discouraging. I have learned  that naturally the human mind (when things are hard) will think of the worst scenario possible! So with knowing that, I have found that it is a little easier to have a more positive attitude towards things. I learned that when I have that positive attitude, I will have better days and I will be able to feel the spirit a little more. I know that when we go through hard times, there are also benefits that come out of it. I know for a fact that God has an eternal plan that we cannot see, but when we have faith and hope in Christ, we will be able to fulfill the will of our Heavenly Father and do amazing things. There is always something that we cant see. There is always something further down the line that is positive and we may have to work to get there but in the end, it will always be worth it.
-Elder Adams signing off.
1. The sunsets out here are outstanding 
2. Stomach flu blood shot eyes
3. New shoes
4. My favorite scripture
5. Just me being silly

 June 3, 2022

Hard Weeks Bring Good Weeks

Hey everybody!

 Alright, I'm just going to start off with saying that this week was probably one of the hardest weeks that I have had on my mission. I am willing to go through hard things though, because it is for this work. To start off about why this week was difficult... Ms. Lisa told us that she didn't want to be baptized anymore because she doesn't believe the same things that we do. I know that deep down, the spirit has told her otherwise. Following that, Elder Semrow and I were caught in the middle of a fight and we had to break it up (oh boy was that fun). I also lost my airpod pros. Like I said though, I am definitely willing to go through this in order to help other people because that is where I have found the most joy in my life while being out on my mission. I understand that is what the gospel is centered around. Jesus Christ loved helping and serving other people and He is the ultimate example for us all.

While going through all this emotional and physical stress, I have been able to feel the presence of our Savior right next to me. If there is one thing that I have learned on my mission, the most important it is that Christ is by our side always regardless of where we are at in our life. Whether we are just in our deepest and darkest situations our when we are absolutely striving to be like him, He is always there to comfort us. That is extravagant! He is amazing.
Anyway sorry this is a little late but talk to you guys next week:)
1. Elder Semrow and I
2. QT trip 
3. Lambo 
4. Tech Decking to Kolob


Monday, June 6, 2022

April 28, 2022 

Hello everyone! This week has been a good one but it also had some rough times as well because of the lack of people interested. It can just be a little discouraging sometimes. One good thing is that we have set up a bunch of lessons for this coming week, which gives us something to look forward to. 
This week, one of my best mission friends will be leaving to go home. This is the worst. His name is Elder Mauluulu. His name is a mouthful, haha. Anyway, he is amazing. When I started my mission, he had just started a transfer before me. He was one of the missionaries that really helped me find peace and comfort out here when I was terrified of this place and being away from home. I will always be so grateful for that. 
The other day I was kind of reflecting on my mission and how it has impacted my life. The thoughts that were coming to my mind were  "what would I be like if I hadn't come back out" and other things like that. Well it kind of scared me a little bit. While being out here in the Carolinas, I have learned that missions are absolutely wonderful and the blessings that come from them are amazing and awesome. But, they are super hard too. The blessings and the rewards that come from being a missionary and helping people everyday are absolutely worth the hard times and they definitely exceed the hard times:) 
I love you guys and I am excited to see you guys again (one day). Keep doing all you do and everything will work out. I promise! Just put your trust in Heavenly Father's timing and you will go where our Father would like you to.
Love everyone
Elder Adams
1. Semrow and I
2. Cool Lil frog
3. P.2
4. P.3
5. Just me

 May 23, 2022

These past 2 weeks have been really good. To start it off... we put Ms. Lisa on date to be baptized the 28th! Absolutely crazy! She is so ready:) She has such a wonderful spirit about her and she cares for everyone The only problem or road block, is that she has been smoking quite a bit:/ so, we unfortunately had to move her date back a little bit because you have to be 2 weeks free of smoking. 

This last week, Dale G. Renland came to our mission.  Immediately when he first walked into the gym, I could feel  the spirit and it was so uplifting. WOW.  He walked past many of us and we were able to shake his hand. OH BOY I'll tell ya what, it felt like he was starring right into my soul. It was a little intimating to think that this wonderful man is like a war general for God and Jesus Christ. After, we were able to do a Q & A with him and his wife and that was super cool except my question wasn't answered but that was fine, they answered a lot of good questions.

In the past two weeks, I have really experienced the joy of being a missionary and seeing God's work affect the life's of others. That is the most beautiful joy that anyone can experience! Being able to see people progress within the gospel is amazing and something I'll never forget. 
A lot of stuff has been coming up and we are busy, but I've finally gotten to the point where I just say to myself "it'll work out" or "just sit back and let it happen". If there is one really cool thing that I have learned on my mission... it would have to be that when you get on your knees and pray and plead, your day will become easier. Your load will be lightened and what an awesome experience that is when you feel that. 
Christ is here for us. He is here with his arm around us, guiding us to wherever we need to go. He is here to help us feel peace and joy.
He is here to bare our burdens:)

1. Hard Sam
2. Me, Geffry, Semrow
3. Just a picture outside 

 May 10, 2022

Hello Hello Hello

Riley asked us to be baptized!!! Our jaws literally dropped when she asked us. Not kidding, it was one of the coolest experiences I've had on my mission and so unexpected. As a missionary it is not common at all for someone to flat out ask you to be baptized the first time you meet. So, that was probably the highlight of the week. 
Today, my dad asked me what has been the biggest lesson I have learned so far while being out here on my mission? This question kind of got me thinking for a little bit.  I told him that one of the biggest lessons I have learned is to have a good time but still work hard. If you are not enjoying being out on a mission (or anything else we do in life) then you might not be getting all you can out of it. Which means that you might not be growing as much as you could.  
This coming week, Dale G. Renland is coming to our mission. Wow it is going to be an awesome experience! I am so excited to hear from a prophet of the Lord.
Anyway, gotta blast! Talk to ya next week:)
1. I'm goated at bowling 🎳 
2. Me giving this kid a noogie 
3. May the 4th